Waste Clearance in Crawley | Managing the Cost of Skip Hire and Rubbish Removals

One of the most common questions we receive from our valued customers in Crawley is "How much does rubbish removal cost?" and frankly, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of skip hire and rubbish clearance services will vary based on several factors. 1st Class Disposal Ltd is acutely aware of how clients need to manage waste clearance costs in order to make a domestic project cost-effective, or a commercial project more profitable.

We are one of the largest skip hire companies to cover the Crawley area, so we have a broad range of services to help you keep waste management outgoings under tight control. From choosing skips in an appropriate size, to using the service of a local authority for those with little or nothing to spend.

You also have the option to contact us and to tell us what you would like to achieve from a skip hire or rubbish removal based on your budget.

Consider a Donation

While it might be waste to you, someone else might find value in it. Donating usable items is a responsible and cost-effective way to manage a rubbish clearance. Before choosing a skip hire company, think about whether your items could be useful to others. You could donate to family, to friends or to charity organisations like the British Heart Foundation or the British Red Cross.

You could also save money on hiring skips, or paying for a waste clearance, by checking in with local charities in Crawley and keep things close to home.


As a licensed waste carrier, we encourage our customers to recycle. Before paying for skip hire or a rubbish removal, assess whether some of the items in your waste pile could be repurposed. Recycling benefits the environment by reducing demand for newly produced materials. With a little imagination and minimal work, you could give those unwanted belongings a new lease of life.

This is an excellent way to save money on skips and waste clearances.

Break Down Bulk Waste

The size of a waste pile significantly influences the cost of rubbish clearances. A waste clearance company charges based on load size, while a skip hire company charges based on the sizes of skips and the quantity needed. Cut on expenses by breaking down bulk items and put them into skips first. Even when broken down, your bulk items will still take up most room in a skip.

You can complete rubbish removals in Crawley by putting smaller items into the remaining pockets and gaps in the skip at the end of the job

Man-and-Van Services

If you have explored all options and still feel your items should be considered waste, think about using a low-price man-and-van service. This is a perfect rubbish clearance service in situations where you don’t have the available space to accommodate a skip onsite, and we organise packages to include the cost of labour. This is a simple yet effective waste clearance choice.

If you prefer a grab hire or wait-and load service, we can help with those too!

The 1st Class Skip Hire Experience

If you opt for skip hire and have ample space to store waste, consider sharing the cost with neighbours, family or friends. Sharing skips helps reduce the cost of hire and makes it a more economical solution for everyone involved. Prior to calling our skip hire company, we advise that you make an estimate of how much waste everybody has in total by calculating in black bin bag sizes.

Our largest skips can accommodate up to 175 black bin bags.

Local Authority Collections

Not everybody will have the money to pay for skip hire, rubbish removals and waste clearances. It is in the interests of our company to advise you well even if an enquiry doesn’t lead to a job. If money is at a premium, check with your local authority in Crawley to see if they offer a rubbish clearance service. In most areas, councils provide free services for the elderly and the disabled.

Some councils also have cost-saving waste disposal schemes for tenants.

Call our skip hire company on 0208 168 0007 (London), 01737 400087 (Surrey) or 07912 343234 (Out of Hours) for rubbish clearance services in Crawley.